I love beer gardens.

(Bremen, 2008)

Duck. Buttom view.

(Bremerhaven, 2008)

I hope I'll be able to say that soon.

(Bremen, 2008)

Big Ben is rather small.

(London, 2008)

I think this is not nice.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I do my homework. Sometimes.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I'm not afraid of Zombies.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I think this is impressive.

(Tägerwilen CH, 2006)

I love my little cousin.

(Dangast D, 2006)

I wish I would find a message in bottle some day.

(France, 2008)

I want to leave footprints.

(France, 2008)

I think Switerland is beautiful.

(Switzerland, 2008)

I love how this turned out.

(Konstanz, 2003)

I think penguins are funny animals.

(Zürich, 2005)

I got one.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I'm getting better and better at beer pong.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I know they are hiding something.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I think this looks pretty bad.

(Met, New York City, 2009)

I don't tap on glas.

(New York City, 2009)

I'm not shooting anyone.

(Coney Island USA, 2009)

I agree.

(Carlisle, 2009)

I thinks this is appropriate.

(Konstanz D, 2009)

I drink.

(Konstanz D, 2009)

I just left the jungle.

(Bremen, 2009)

I disagree.

(Bremen, 2009)

I simply like this photo.

(Streek D, 2009)

I'm not standing straight.

(Bremen, 2009)

Coffee and salad make me happy.

(Bremen, 2009)

I'm not sure what is happening here.

(Berlin, 2009)

I'm teaching German.

(Berlin, 2009)

I love posters.

(Berlin, 2009)

I don't need fancy drinks.

(Appletree Festival, 2009)

I'm sad when things break.

(Bremen, 2009)

I would follow a cow if it knew the way.

(Switzerland, 2009)

I don't mind sharing my food.

(Konstanz D, 2009)

I think this is massively exggerated.

(New York City, 2009)

I love hostel life.

(Dublin, 2006)

I love surprises like this.

(Ballinhassig IRL, 2006)

Some day, I'm gonna own an Irish cottage.

(Crosshaven IRL, 2006)

I don't really know what to think about fish.

(Galway IRL, 2007)

I like unusual flower pots.

(Ballinhassig IRL, 2007)

I know I can't walk over water.

(Glendalogh IRL, 2005)

I can read maps.

(London, 2006)

I think you should change your perspective from time to time.

(London, 2006)

I believe him.

(London, 2006)

Bernese Mountain puppies to go.

(Appenzell, 2007)

I like horses.

(Bremen, 2007)

I don't think you should iron your cat.

(Münster, 2007)

I'm trying to think outside the box.

(Tägerwilen CH, 2007)

I'm feeding birds.

(Kreuzlingen CH, 2007)



Über mich

Mein Bild
Insa Kohler ist zugleich das jüngste und größte Mitglied der Rakete. Sie beobachtet ihre Umwelt ganz genau und verarbeitet das Gesehene zu originellen Geschichten, die sie seit 2010 auf Lesebühnen und bei Poetry Slams in ganz Deutschland vorliest. Einige ihrer Texte sind in Anthologien veröffentlicht, im Frühjahr 2017 erschien ihr erster Erzählband „Leben auf Spaßflamme“.